Merchants Please Be Aware:
Current Fittings Pricebook is Dated
1st March 2024
+NZS3501 Copper Tube Pricing Updated 1st June 2024+
Stats for WE 28.03.25:
100% Supply Accuracy
No Mis-Picks!
NZS3501 Brazing Fitting Alerts:
All Copper Fittings are Available.
No Stock: CF200 Flanges
Stock Range Update:
Blank Flanges - Remaining stock only.
Australian Standard Copper Fittings are no longer a 'Core' Item and aren't necessarily available Ex Stock. These can still be imported to order.
Stats for WE 28.03.25:
Same Day Dispatch Promise Honoured 100%!
(Received by 2.00pm - Excl Bulk / Contract Qtys)
*Refer to the Catalogue for our Dispatch Promise
Minimum Order Value
Free Into-Store
A Minimum Order Value (MOV) of $100+ is required. It's not commercially viable for Highflo to process orders under $100+GST.
Orders from $100+ to $399+ incur freight charges which are rated according to the freight service used.
The Free Into Store Value (FIS) is $400+ with Highflo paying the Freight Cost, noting that Rural, Saturday and any Residential address costs are still additional & on-chargeable.
Since 1958 Highflo has been supplying merchants with Brazing Copper Fitting solutions for Plumbing, Gasfitting, Petro-Chemical, Plantroom, Mechanical Service applications and more.
We compliment our NZ Made Fittings with Imported Fittings from Accredited Partner Factories to bring our customers a 'one stop shop' with a range of Brazing Fittings, coupled with an outstanding Service Standard, that is matched by no other Copper Fitting Wholesaler in NZ.
You'll see our core range in NZ's leading merchants - Please ask for us by name - Highflo!
Brazing Bends & Elbows
Brazing Tees & Reducers
Traps & More

Bends (E1E) & Elbows (E2E) available from 9.52mm through to 203.2mm.
45, 90 & 180 Degree Options. Full Range in the Catalogue linked above.
Tees (Equal & Reducing) & Reducers (Single & Multi-Step) available from 9.52mm through to 203.2mm. Full range in the Catalogue linked above.
P Traps, S Traps (Copper & Chrome), Joiners, End Caps, Flanges, Branch Bends, Y Junction, Expanders & more in our Catalogue linked above.